Bourbon Barrel-Aged Maple Syrup
The moment you've all been waiting for is FINALLY here!
Our Bourbon Barrel-Aged Maple Syrup has been soaked to perfection, is dressed to impress, and is waiting impatiently for you to buy it.
Aged in charred oak bourbon barrels, this syrup has come a long way... from just a watery sap, working its way up to everyone's favorite golden child, and then hid away for awhile to "find itself." Now it shows up out of the blue, all sophisticated like its better than everyone else. Like its a delicacy or something! ...because apparently Pure Maple Syrup isn't fancy enough. (wink, wink)
USES: Jazz up your breakfast, take your cocktail hour up a notch (helloooo Old Fashioneds) or just... you know... drink it straight from the bottle (for real, we don't judge.) Go ahead, treat yourself!
16 fluid ounces (1 pint)
Glass Bottle
Easy Pour Top